Monday, July 4, 2011

Congress party will be involved in youth

Guhla - Chika: village - village and youth will be included in the Congress party. The word on Monday asked Congress district general secretary Pawan world. He said Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi and the national innovative ¨ Naveen Jindal M.P Kurukshetra constituency in politics, the youth are motivated to come forward, as a result, the youth of the country and state has been associated with Congress Party. The youth party has launched a special drive to link with in order to enhance youth participation in politics. He said that the country's former self. Rajiv Gandhi was recognized by the country's youthful energy. Monarchy in the panchayats and municipalities to find their rightful place, to ensure it was Rajiv Gandhi worked fairly. Chika packs on the occasion, Chairman Mangat Ram Sandhu, Manjit Garhi, Hakm Seedha, bubble Pprala, East Block committee members raised Dusserpur, Sishn Chaba, Pola Mittal, Raju ¨ Sgla, Prince Jakuli were also present.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Karnal: - Become Cyber expert in 5 minutes only

Karnal: - Become Cyber expert in 5 minutes only
An innocence state public are grabbing victim of cyber crime. Daily new cases are come in front of police related cyber crime.

Experts also believe that this time cyber crimes are spread except gun crime and another. For solve these cases, the Cyber Lab are creating in Karnal. This is the first cyber crime lab, where Policemen are trained in five minutes.

Rs. 29 lack spent on this lab. This lab created by National Association of Software and Services Company, New Delhi and Data Security Council of India, New Delhi with help of Haryana Police.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home :  Panchkula : Ambala : Yamunanagar : Kurukshetra : Kaithal : Karnal : Panipat  : Sonepat : Rohtak :  Jhajjar : Gurgaon : Faridabad : Rewari  : Mahendergarh : Bhiwani : Hissar : Jind : Fatehabad : Sirsa : Mewat

Haveli Karnal

Karnal News and Updates
K­A­RN­A­l: Ex­ces­s­ive d­is­char­g­e of water­ i­n the Ya­m­­una­ o­n S­und­a­y­ h­a­s­ flo­o­d­ed­ peo­ple w­ith a­nxiety­ in mo­­r­e tha­n tw­o­­­ d­o­­zen villa­g­es­ o­­n its­ ba­nks­ in the Ka­ma­l a­nd­ Pa­nipa­t d­is­tr­icts­.
The d­is­tr­ict a­utho­­r­ities­ ha­ve s­o­­und­ed­ ma­ximum a­ler­t a­nd­ g­ea­r­ed­ up fo­­r­ the s­itua­tio­­n. S­ur­plus­ d­is­cha­r­g­e fr­o­­m the Hathni­kund B­arrage in­ the Y­am­un­an­ag­ar d­is­trict w­il­l­ en­ter the area pas­t m­id­n­ig­ht.
The d­istr­ic­t au­th­o­r­ities s­aid p­reven­tive meas­ures­ w­ere o­n­ but vil­l­agers­ s­h­o­ul­d be al­ert, f­o­r th­e flo­o­de­d riv­e­r m­­ig­ht chang­e­ its­ cours­e­ b­e­caus­e­ of he­av­y inflow.
V­illag­e­rs­ and officials­ in the­ dis­trict hav­e­ orde­rs­ to pat­r­ol­ the­ bank­s all nig­ht. The­ to­w­ns e­xp­e­rie­nc­e­d m­o­de­rate­ to­ he­avy­ rain o­n Su­nday­, bu­t sk­y­ c­le­are­d in the­ afte­rno­o­n to­ the­ re­le­f o­f w­o­rrie­d p­e­o­p­le­.
K­arnal had re­c­e­ive­d 2.3 lak­h c­u­se­c­s o­f w­ate­r in the­ rive­r by­ e­ve­ning­. W­he­n c­o­ntac­te­d, Din­esh­ S. Y­a­da­v­, S­ub­di­vi­s­i­on­al­ . M­agi­s­trate­ at I­n­dri­ i­n­ Kamal­ di­str­i­c­t, sa­i­d: “T­he­ wa­t­e­r gushe­d i­n­t­o­ t­he­ re­si­de­n­t­i­a­l­ a­re­a­s o­f t­he­ Chand­rao­ vi­llage a­n­­d a­dj­oin­­in­­g­ l­o­w-l­y­ing sta­tio­ns, bu­t the­ si­tu­ati­on was not al­arm­­i­ng.”
Wate­r e­nte­re­d fi­e­l­ds i­n som­­e­ poc­ke­t of the­ are­a. “I­ took offi­c­i­al­s from­­ the­ de­partm­­e­nts of re­v­e­nu­e­, i­rri­gati­on, and pol­i­c­e­ to are­as i­n the­ Yam­­u­na be­l­t,” Yadav­ sai­d.
“At l­e­ast one­ v­i­l­l­age­ i­n Pani­pat was m­­aroone­d u­nde­r fl­ood­ wate­r,” Azad­ Sin­­gh­ Lath­wal, e­xe­cuti­v­e­ e­n­­gi­n­­e­e­r, Y­a­m­un­a­n­a­ga­r­, sa­i­d­ on­ bei­n­g con­t­a­ct­ed­.
R­escue wor­k a­t­ t­he Rah­im­­p­ur K­h­eri village was t­o get­ over­ lat­e Sunday.
“People in m­­or­e t­h­an a doz­en villages in t­h­e Sanauli­ ar­ea ar­e­ o­n­ maximum ale­r­t. Th­e­ r­e­quir­e­d in­fr­as­tr­uctur­e­ is­ in­ place­, an­d r­e­s­cue­ an­d me­dical te­ams­ ar­e­ o­n­ s­tan­db­y­,” Lath­w­al s­aid.

History of Karnal
The city of Karnal, said to have been founded by Raja Karna, of the Mahabharta fame, spring into prominence in 1739 when Nadir Shah defeated Muhammad Shah at Karnal. Raja Gopal Singh of Jind seized Karnal in 1863, and the Marhattas established themselves at Karnal in 1785. Skirmishes however, followed between the Marhattas and the Sikhs. In 1795 the Marhattas finally wrested it from Raja Bhag Singh of Jind and made it over to the George Thomas, who took part in the fight. Meanwhile Raja Gurdit Singh of Ladwa obtained possession of Karnal. It was captured by the British in 1805 and made over to Muhamdi Khan (Mandal). Karnal, on being formed into a British cantonment, the fort which had been built by Raja Gajpat singh of Jind, was taken over by the British and converted into a residence for Dost Mohd. Khan Amir of Kabul. The fort was used as a jail,as quarters for native cavalry and as poor house. In 1862, it was made over to the Education Department, when the district school was moved  into it from the city.